Tuesday, April 15, 2008

jail visit by Louise (dragonclaw)

  drawing jail visitation 100_0328


jail visitsCarmen in Jail

by Louise Zhang
9:04 AM 3/3/2008

Every one out of 100 in the United States is behind the bars 


look at me

look at me

and forget me not

but not to love me

for I'm not easily caught.


Kiss me

kiss me

and hug me a lot

but not to reason to me

for I'm quite without thought.


tease me

tease me

and behold me till you are lost

but worship me not

for I'm quick to revolt. 


appease me

appease me

and pacify me till I nod

but not to forbid me

for I'm being initiated into seeking a God.



handle me

handle me

and pity me not

but to jail me with no bail out

for I'm here for the long haul.


counsel me

counsel me

and free me not

but not to dump me

for I don't have a heart for a dropout.


lead me

lead me

and straighten me out

but not to bend me

for I'm yielding only to my own lot.


visit me

visit me

and cry for me not

but 20 dollars a week on my book

for every day is a working out.


bear with me

bear with me

and wait for me not

but not to desert me

before your compassion burns out.


cool me

cool me

and stir me not

but not to desensitise me

for the bull in me is chasing out.


ignore me

ignore me

and rebuke me not

but not to forsake me

for beauty always stands out.


leave me alone

leave me alone

and follow me not

but not to disown me

for I'm yours without doubt.


fill me with pain

fill me with pain

and spill it out not

but no to harness your will

for it unsettles your blood cell.


make your wish

make your wish

and bewitch me not

but to empower me

for my desire is definitely loud.


unchain me

unchain me

and confine me not

but set limits to my liberty

for I'm still risky when let out.


get lost

get lost

and regret you not

but beware of your own will

for I will sign my own deal.


look out

look out

and climb you the jail wall not

but free will you be born

free will you die

your Carmen in jail doesn't like to bow out.


raise me

raise me

and look past me not

but arms out reaching

for I'm not yet lost.


heal me

heal me

and upset me not

but stop me in my delerious dance

for mind and body are both dog-tired.


silence me

silence me

and hear me not

but drug me no more

for the lamb is bleeding on the floor.





Friday, April 4, 2008

poem by dragonclaw: wind chimes

WIND CHIMES by Louise Zhang (dragonclaw)


Evening falls

Breeze travels

The moon is up

Old nights wait

Wind chimes toss a few notes

Shadows dance to the tinkling tunes

Silver notes spill

Like girls' giggles

The cat jumps up

Running after the ding ding, ding ding....

Mountains hear the whispers

Streams follow in murmurs

Moon grins

Dogs snore in greeting

Dingding, Dongdong

Wind chimes are laughing

Their silver swings