Friday, September 12, 2008

BURING SNOW----- by Louise

Blazing white sensations,
Dazzling chilliness,
Cold February snow,
Burns densely over the vast wintry emptiness.

Hurling feathers of flakes,
Intercepts drafts of earthy breaths,
Settles down quietly on an immensity of suspension,
Accumulates freezing gravity.

Burning, cold, burning,
Snow aflame in blasting blares,
Sending blue shots into engaging eyes,
And gripping your heart with tight numbness,
Shoulders and arms,
Laden with heavy chilly solidity.

On the tips of your finger nails,
Needles of biting chill burn deep into ribs,
Exploding sensations of hottest sharpness,
Blurs the boundaries of senses.

Snow is burning,
Snow is in white flames,
Invades space with sharp whirling knives,
Fills openness with hashed excitements.
White heat in white cold,
Opens close-downs into inclusive extendedness.

White wash of colours,
White wash of temperatures,
White wash of throbbing desires,
White wash of frozen noises,
Snow clad mountains and snow shrouded rivers,
Stroll gracefully in their crystal robes,
In the deadly wintry morning,
A stoic February sentiment royally remembers.

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